I'm sure you've heard the story out today that Obama is planning on giving some sort of "stay in school/study real hard/don't spend all day on Facebook" broadcast to all the kiddies on September 8th and all the Conservatives are up in arms in fear that Obama will really say "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains...Workingmen of all countries, unite!" or "The Negro revolution is controlled by foxy white liberals, by the Government itself." This, of course, is preposterous, insane, stupid, and ignorant to say all of this especially in light of the fact that every President since like, ever (or at least as long as there was video hookup) has done the same thing.
The question, of course, is just what the hell is up with all this insanity we've been seeing over the summer? Have conservatives officially gone full-retard? Or is it all some sort of nefarious plot?
It's a plot
Here's what I think is going on- Conservatives have decided to intentionally throw so much stupidity, craziness, and bat shit insanity that at some point all of us sane, rational, intelligent people on the left will just grow so dispirited by the whole thing that after banging our heads against the table too many times, we all decide to throw in the towel, give up, and just accept the fact that we're friggin' doomed and either drink ourselves silly until the Chinese take over or declare ourselves political exiles in some Scandinavian country (when people tell me it can't be done I say that all I would have to do is show them some videos of a Town Hall meeting or any episode of Glen Beck and and tell them "see, you live in a country like that?" and that should probably work).
If you need an example of just what they're doing, think of Terrell Owens. Owens plays on a team and then decides that for whatever reason, he doesn't like where he is anymore and decides to act like a jackass to get himself out from where he is. So he calls the QB gay, answers cell phone calls on the sidelines, holds out for more money and holds a press conference from his drive way while doing push ups. The team that he plays for eventually has to decide whether to give TO what he wants (trade him) or try and work with him in hopes he doesn't eventually take the team down with him. The conservatives are TO and and we, the sane part of the American Democratic Experiment, are the 49ers/Eagles/Cowboys.
This is plan is especially potent in light of the fact that one of the reasons we all took joy in Obama was that it showed, or at least we hope it showed, that adults had finally taken over the country and that we, as a country, will finally have an intelligent, enlightened debate about the myriad of problems facing the country, all led by a calm, intelligent, deeply rational President who for some misbegotten notion, thought he could talk to us like adults.
And there goes that.
Oh, and TO usually winds up getting what he wants.