Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm back

1)Had an interview with somebody who didn't describe the job responsibilities in typical third person ("we want this person to be able to do this and we want this person to be like that...") but in second person. As in "you would do this and you would that and when you start we'd have you do this and you'd have to do that." Due to her phrasing and several other odd things about the interview, I spent most of the interview thinking to myself "wait, does this mean I have the job? Should I start answer her questions as if I'm still trying to sell myself about the job or like I'll be seeing her next Monday to start working?" I didn't have the job.

2)Got a call from a temp agency around 10:30 in the morning about starting a 2 day job that afternoon at 1 PM. I told the guy I needed to think about it and called him back 15 minutes later saying I'd like to take the job. Since I took so long to call him back, he found somebody else to do it.

Now, you're supposed to say yes to whatever job you've been offered even if it starts in a few hours as it ultimately makes you look bad. However, the only reason why I didn't get the job is because I decided to think about it for about ten minutes. So bad for me, right? But he couldn't have expected that if he called me at 10 in the morning-- when I'm just drinking my coffee and checking my email-- that I'd be able to make a snap decision just like that could he? Some of us aren't good at making snap decisions like that, especially while still in their pjs.

3)Twice I've gotten calls about jobs in which somebody saw my resume somewhere (in these cases LinkedIn) and decided to give me a call based on what they saw. And twice now, they didn't really consider me for the job because they saw early on that I didn't have some of the experience they were looking for (including a computer program). But if they had contacted me over my resume, that would mean they saw my resume which would mean they could have actually seen what I had experience in and what I didn't. So why did they waste my time in calling me? If something's not listed on my resume, that's a pretty good indication I don't have the experience in doing it. Even worse, one of the people called me up about a phone interview and then completely flaked on doing the phone interview (flaked as in playing phone tag and then never calling me back). Thanks for playing.

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