Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Velocity of Travel

I should also add that Iceland has always been one of those countries that I've kinda wanted to go to. Why? Why not-- you never hear anything about it, you never hear people wanting to travel there, and nobody knows that much about it other than it's kind of weird and beautiful and funky.

I have other places I'd like to go to that fit into that category. Like Yemen-- I'm kind of curious about going to Yemen. Nobody hears about it, nobody sets out to go there, and it's about as Arab as you could want without having to deal with third world poverty or terrorism-- lots of sand and deserts and palm trees and people dressed in those white, flowing robes. Okay, turns out Yemen actually now has a terrorist problem so maybe not Yemen. How's about Oman? Yeah, I want to go to Oman now-- again, who goes there? And why not go there?

Also on my list are those random, tiny European countries that nobody ever really hears about or thinks about, like Lichenstein or Andorra.

The other weird, totally random place I want to go to is here in the US-- I want to go to either Omaha or Lincoln Nebraska. Why Omaha or Lincoln Nebraska? Because they seem about as perfectly, non-descript in that Norman Rockwell, mundane All-American Way. Could there be anything to those cities that makes them exciting enough to justify being a city? Is there an art scene? An indie music scene? Or is just just a bunch of big air-conditioned buildings full of people who think the most exciting thing to happen is a Nebraska Football Game? I've been to Paris and I've been to Tokyo and Jerusalem and Prague and Dublin and in some way, Omaha seems more exotic than those places.

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