Sunday, August 02, 2009

Illegal Sucking

As you get older, the list of songs that have entered and exited your life increases exponentially. Some of them you still remember, some of them have disappeared in time-- sometimes by choice. On Saturday, I heard maybe one of the most random songs that I had lost through the sands of time

-- Genesis' "Illegal Alien."

Wiped that from your memory too, didn't you? I think music wants to wipe it from it's memory

Now, first of all, that song sucks. S-U-C-K-S. Just awful, especially when you consider that at one point Genesis was known for being an art-rock band that often played eight minute song "suites" while dressed as forest animals. The song is basically a cutesy song about illegally crossing the border into the US complete with veiled references of the offering a sister up for sexual favors. Who the hell thought that would be a good idea for a song? I mean, the song sucks enough as it is-- it could have lyrics written by Shakespeare himself and it would still suck-- but making it about illegal immigrants. The video even has Phil Collins dressed like a Mexican with a bad moustache and sombrero. Seriously, who the hell thought ANY OF IT would be a good idea.

Can you imagine somebody writing that song now, or at least releasing a song like it-- a cutesey song about illegal immigrants. Can you imagine the ruckus? Lou Dobbs' head would explode.

Just amazingly awful.

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