Sunday, September 07, 2008

Okay, first some background:

A few posts backs I mentioned that I had a phone interview with a major, super-huge company that went so well the HR person on the other end of the phone wished me good luck.  After waiting a week or two to hear back from them, I finally did and went through one of those long, grueling, 2 hour interviews with four different people.  I left the interview convinced that I was nowhere close to getting the job as it turned out the job utilized a whole different kind of skill set that I had.  Also, I sucked during the interview.

So Friday, late in the afternoon, I got a voice mail message from a HR type at that company saying that they wanted me to come in for an interview in a few weeks.

Good, right?

Except that the person most definitely did not say something like "another interview" or "second round of interviews" or even acknowledge the fact that I had already interviewed there already.  Also, it came from an entirely different HR person that I had talked to before.  All of which makes me wonder if this isn't necessarily a good "whoo-hoo!" type thing but instead a jerk around type thing in which a HR person called me up out of the blue, totally oblivious to the fact I had already gone in there, and that I'll never here from her again.

Which is silly, cause things like that don't happen.

Oh wait, they have.

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