Wednesday, September 03, 2008

That Sarah Palin speech depressed the hell out of me.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Jon,

I used to read your blog ages ago; I used to have a blog called "As I am" although I deleted it back in '05. I wanted to say 'hi'. I was going through old emails and came across yours.

I used to read Brenda Elfgirl's too but she hasn't updated in a while. Hoping she is okay.

I am currently unemployed. We just moved to the Atlanta, Georgia area (I got married last year!). Hubby got a new job after being laid off in January. Dramatic life I tell you! I am depressed by Palin too. If our country is subjected to another republican in office I don't know what I'll do.

Anyhow, take care. Good luck w/the temp gig!
