Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Be a Dentist

I went to the dentist today which is always fun because no matter what goes on, there is still going to be a bit of pain involved. Then there's always the part where your teeth get checked out and you sit there hoping and praying that they don't announce something like "well, all of your teeth are rotted so we're going to have to give you dentures" or "the entire right side of your mouth is one big cavity so we're going to have to do some 4 hour surgery or something to fix it all up but you're going to have to wait for us to order an extra shipment of novacaine to handle it before we do it."

What a strange job being a dentist is. Every day, you basically have somebody open up their germ-infested, smelly mouth and poke your head and hand into said germ-infested, smelly mouth. You also have the satisfaction of knowing that NOBODY looks forward to seeing you and that no matter what you do or how hard you try, at some point you'll be inflicting some measure of pain on the person with whom you've stuck your face into. That just sounds like an awesome job.

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