Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Today's Unemployment Update

Have that interview today with that agency that works with a certain hi-tech company for which I love. The good thing about the interview is that I have lots of connections to people who work there, at least that's what LinkedIn says.

Now, thanks to social networking, there's plenty of ways to get in contact with your contacts. The big question is just what is the best way of contacting somebody about something like this. I could, for instance, send them an email as provided on their LinkedIn account or use LinkedIn in general. That would make sense except that lots of people use their spam mail email address for LinkedIn and they might never actually check that email account, which is also why using the email account provided isn't such a smart idea.

Luckily, there's also Facebook as the one particular person I was going to use as a contact is one of my Facebook friends. One problem with that, however-- she just DEFRIENDED ME.

So now I have two things I have to concern myself with:
1)Would she actually be a decent reference considering she no longer values me as a person who would be interested in the latest antics of her dog

And more importantly

2)What the hell did I do to merit such a thing.

This makes things even more complicated because if I do get in contact with her, it'll mean I know what she did and she'll know I know what she did and suddenly guilt enters the equation and nobody wants to deal with that.

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