My temp job sucks. Like sucks in a black-hole kind of way, the kind of suckage that swallows up everything around it and sucks it all into the black-hole of it's suckiness. No phone, no web access, no nothing. Not even free coffee or free asprin. It takes me all the strength I can muster not just to walk out, quit and go home. Temps can do that.
I'm miserable there because I have to get up at 6 to start work at 7:30. I'm miserable because I can't go online and check my e-mail or take a short break to read the NY Times. I'm miserable because it's dreary, brainless, mind-numbing data entry and it's all I can do all day. And then today, to make it all that much worse, I found out that I have to take breaks only at specified times and I have to take my half-an-hour lunch at a certain time. And today, when I came back late from work (of course, I'm gonna buckle against the rules), I found my supervisor hovering over my work, waiting for me to come back to give me the fifth degree about being late.
I want to quit. I can't take it. I can't take the drudgery of the work, I can't take the early hours, and I can't take being told when I can take a break and being watched over when I take those breaks. Which is why I'm miserable
But I think about it. There are lots of people out there who have it worse. They have to get up earlier, they have worse jobs while making lower pay. They don't mind having specified break times or lunch times. Some of them even have time cards that they're supposed to punch in and punch out during their breaks. When I was younger and did temp work, I didn't complain that much about specified break times.
And I need the money cause I'm running out. You realize at a certain point that sometimes you have to suck it up to pay the bills. All those people doing the jobs I could never do, like factory work or being a janitor understand that. Even the guys who jerk off turkeys because the turkey's are too fat to know that. They seem to be able to do it and don't complain that much. In some ways I should be very lucky to get even what I'm getting at this time of year. Hell, it could be worse. I could be doing retail. I could be a waiter. I could be the guy jerking off turkey's. I've even had temp jobs that were worse. Yet, I hate what I'm doing.
Does this make me a wuss? An over-educated, overly pampered, upper-middle class white boy with no work ethic with a snotty attitude that I'm above doing all this? Am I slacker write large- pissed off at the lameness of my job, beholden to the chip on my shoulder caused by the universe's inability of the world to reward me for my unrecognized brilliance? Should I just shut-up and be grateful that I won't have to worry about paying the rent this month?
Or does my job just suck?
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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