Ever since the weather got crappy, I've been having ant problems. I've bought the traps and got the place sprayed, but they're still here, streaming out from various nooks and crannies of my apartment.
One of the things I've tried to do is taking them on as it were and trying to kill a whole bunch loads of them. Why? I'm sending them a message. Like if they go on this particular shelf, I'm going get them. Because if I fight them there in my kitchen, I won't have to fight them in my bed.
I wonder how well it works. Like if a bunch of them don't make it back as it were, do other ants start wondering what's going on? Do they send out recon messages? Do the ants who survive go back and tell other ants "that Johnny got it." Do they then hold little ant memorial services to memoralize all the ants who didn't come back?
And if I don't do anything to stop them, will they multiply due to my show of weakness?
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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