Sunday, February 26, 2006

So in an effort to join the 21st century, I bought a router and some do-hooky cable thing that is supposed to allow what's going on in my computer to show up on my TV and stereo. Needless to say, neither one worked, installing the router even completely knocked me off of my network and for some reason, my computer is no longer hooked up to the adaptor and is running on batteries.

I do not know why.

Of course, it could also be I just don't know what I'm doing. Which is why instructions would be so worthy at this point. No problem, right? Here are the instructions I got my iTV link cable, a cable made by a company I used to work for even.

1)Plug your powerbook to sleep
2)Plut iTV into your TV and powerbook
3)Wake up your powerbook
4)Enjoy your computer on your tv.

Thanks for that.

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