Monday, August 21, 2006

Yes, I'm in DC right now. Let's just say this straight off about DC-- you kind of walk around and turn the corner and there, staring right in front of you, is something like the Capitol Building. And your first reaction is "wow. That's pretty cool." Which is quickly followed by a "hey, I hate those guys...."

I would also like to say that travelling with a laptop friggin rocks. So far, I've watched episodes of 24 while on the plane, checked e-mail while eating dinner at the Pittsburgh airport, and now I'm sitting here in the lobby of the beautiful Normandy Inn drinking fairly crappy coffee while surfing online. Gotta love it. I do notice, however, that several times when my mom has been looking for some information she starts digging through maps or calls people or asks people and I am scoffing at her. But mom, don't you know you can find it all on the internet....

Also, there's this. While I love the idea of having free, continental breakfast in the hotel every morning, I have noticed that said breakfast always causes more stress than necessary. Because despite the presence of hundreds of breakfast/coffee places in the immediate area, the reaction whenver there's a contintental breakfast is that no matter what, YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE BREAKFAST OR YOU WILL DIE OF STARVATION! Alarms are set to it, mornings are rushed through, showers put off just because, damnit, you have to have the free box of cereal and warmed up scrambled eggs.

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