Sunday, October 14, 2007

One of my huge (HUGE) pet peeves in politics is the constant appearance of Bill Kristol on pretty much anything. In fact, the apperance of him anywhere. If there was any justice in this world, he'd be tar and feathered and run out of Washington, his entire career, reputation, and bank account gone for time immemorial.

But he's not.

What also gets me is when I'm watching "Fox and Friends" and the two nominal liberals, Juan Williams and Maria Liasson (they're liberal because they're on NPR and minorities, so, of course, that means they're liberal) just sit there and accept the fact that they're doing intellectual debates with a man who has been unbelievably wrong about everything since back when the internet didn't exist. I just don't know how either Juan or Maria don't just sit there and whenever he spouts off about something, just say something like "oh yeah, well, how's the Iraq war going?" or "let me know when you actually get something right."

Anyways, they were debating Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize and Kristol, of course, was disapproving. Now, it can be debated that maybe Al isn't deserving of a Peace Prize or half the awards he's won this year, but not from Bill Kristol. Which is why I got really upset when Juan didn't say something like "well, gosh, how many people has Al killed?" or "you know, he's been pretty much right about things, unlike, say, you." Or even, "shut the fuck up you goddamn idiotic war-mongering jackass. May you roast in hell for a long, long time."

Which is pretty much what I'd say.

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