Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Alright, I'm all better now and back to the ole blogging.

So I haven't been writing much about the job search. Part of it is denial that I'm doing it. And part of it is because I've done it before. Writing about looking for work on "Hooray" is like Ben Stiller deciding to do another movie in which he plays a neurotic Jewish guy with a hair-trigger temper. Or U2 doing another album full of semi-heart lifting anthems meant to inspire everyone to end war and feed everyone in Africa personally.

So I'm not. At least for now.

But for those looking for some job-hunting goodness, here's what I got for you:

-The crazy place I interviewed for, the one with the guy who rambled on for 45 minutes without really letting me speak didn't even bring me back for the second round of interviews. For whatever reason, I did something in those few sentences that I was able to speak to let them know I wasn't the right fit for the job.

-Some design agency left a message for me to call them back for an interview so I did. Never heard back from them. A recruiter then tried to get me into that agency for an interview but wasn't able to. Then another person at said agency saw my resume posted and called me for a phone interview. They never called me back. The job, however, keeps on being posted and reposted again.

-An agency I spoke to today had on their web site a picture of employees playing foozball in their office. The job listing also mentioned that people at the agency work hard but are also experts at "Guitar Hero."

-And finally, the agency that kinda sorta wanted to hire me and kinda sorta wanted to check in with me if things fall apart with the person they kinda sorta hired instead kinda sorta has the position open again. So I sent them a "hey, what's going on?" email. So far, they haven't responded.

You'd figure if they need somebody, they like me, and I want to work for them, they'd say hell to the ya. But......

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