Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bunch of random things.

-Of course, I watched that Michael Jackson special Thursday night, the one on 20/20. I couldn't help notice that they used Michael's actual music for it's theme music. And I'm thinking that's a little odd in that in order to get the rights to play the music, they had to ask permission to use it. Which means that somewhere there might have been a phone call that went something like "hey Michael, we're making a documentary that will make you extremely creepy at best, incredibly perverted sicko at worst. Can we use Billy Jean as it's theme music?"

-Someone in this morning's class had her cell phone go off in the middle of the class. Twice. Which is probably the worst thing you could possibly do in a yoga class. Way too much karma in play after all. If she finds herself reincarted as a dung beetle, she'll know why.

-Speaking of which, I forgot to mention this gem from the class I took several weeks ago, the one with the Super Happy Twins. At one point, they made us line up in two straight rows and then partner up with someone. Not to say hold a person in position, but so that when you do a backward bend, you have somebody you can smile at.

-I'm beginning to accept the fact that "Both Sides Now" just might be the best song ever written. Even better than "Stairway." And yes, even better than "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy I Got Love in My Tummy." It's that good.


-Went to see "Constantine" today (about what you'd expect and I meant that as a compliment- I liked it) and saw a couple of interesting previews. First of all, is there any movie out there that's really that exciting? There's not one movie that I'm anxiously counting down the days for or hope to see the preview of. And yes, that includes the next "Star Wars" movie. I think it's just some sort of post "Lord of the Rings" thing where no movie that could possibly be released could even compare.

Okay, where were we?

I saw one preview for some probably crappy movie, the one with Mathew "Naked Bongo Playing" McCounaghey and Penolope "Tom Cruise's Beard" Cruz. At the end of the preview, the announcer announced that the movie was "Directed Joe Shlabotnik" or some name along those lines. The point being that as far as I know the director is a complete nobody yet it was intoned like it was a big deal, like see this, it's a Joe Shlabotnik movie! Out of all the tens of movies they showed as previews, he was the only one who got that notice? Why? Who thought the fact that it was a Joe Shlabotnik movie would mean anything? As far as I know, there's only a handful of directors who that would mean anything- Scorcese, Spielberg, Tarantino, maybe Spike Jonez or David Fincher or Tim Burton. There's also a whole bunch of directors who sound familiar (Robert Zemickis, David Russell) but who they'd have to say "from the director of...." But not this Joe Shlabotnik. He, apparently, needs no introduction.

And finally, there's some horror movie out there that actually has Paris Hilton in the cast. I'm guessing that the producers thought it was a total score to score Ms. Hilton but I'm sure I'm not the only one who upon seeing her on screen immediately started howling in laughter.

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