Thursday, July 17, 2003

It's looking like this whole Yellow Cake of Uranium is getting some actual traction and there's signs that the press (meaning the lemmings on TV) are actually starting to get into foam-mode. One has to wonder, however, why all this blathering over one line in a State of the Union being untrue is such a big deal considering that pretty much everything that Bush says or does is untrue. In fact, everything he and his flunkies have said about the war has been wrong. Focusing on one line as though it's the only sign of some sort of malfeasance is kind of like seeing one drunken picture of Courtney Love and thinking "gosh, maybe she's a sleazy attention ho." So, with the smell of blood in the air, I broke my own personal rule of not watching any news programs that wasn't hosted by John Stewart and found this: has an exciting story about whether dogs bark differently in other languages
-The Today show led with a story about Kobe Bryant attending the ESPY Awards with his wife (did you guys go to an ESPY party like I did? How'd you do in your pool?).

Well, okay, there were a few stations that covered the story, especially now that Tony Blair went back into his Bush's Bitch Role, allthewhile speaking with such eloquence that one could only wish why can't he be President here. Are we proud of the fact that while the Leader of the U.K. can give wonderful speeches explaining with eloquence and intelligence why he does something and our President merely says stuff like "evil-doers are bad" and "we have darn good intelligence."

And what did we get?

-Chris Mathews on "Hardball" had on Trent Lott. Now there's somebody with not only a completely non-biased viewpoint, but somebody who could never be accused of, as they say, knowing how to spell "cat" if you gave him the "c", the "a", and the "t." Now there's a balanced story.
-Fox News being shocked- shocked- that the Washington Post might have reported a story with a slight bias.
-MSNBC interviewing Anne Coulter, who was of course railing about "liberals" detestable desire to say something occasionally not very nice. Can someone please smack that bitch up?

That very same show on MSNBC, by the way, brought up the issue that the soldiers in Iraq might have low morale. According to the gab-fest, they don't. And the people who were saying this included some guy who spends all of his time in a nice, air-conditioned, non-being shot at Think Tank in Washington D.C. and some lackey Under-Secretary of Something or Other. They, of course, completely know what it's like to be a troop in Iraq.

Oh, by the way, apparently we're not in a recession. Turns out we haven't been in one in years. I'm sure my dad will glad to hear that considering he just got laid off today.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- a bunch of number-crunchers with tenured positions and cushy Think Tank jobs should not be declaring the end of some sort of economic downturn until they've all been laid off and gotten new jobs.

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