I've done some calculating and have figured out that I actually make more money on unemployment than I would if I took a temp job of $15 or less. Most temp jobs (and some full time jobs I've encountered) fall in that range. What this means is that it's actually better for me not to temp or go work at Safeway or something. First of all, bravo for the state of California for giving decent unemployment benefits as not every state (Souther states, I'm looking at you) does so. The other thing, of course, is that this means that I am proving Conservatives right-- thanks to the Government's largesse, I am not going to find a job. I am going to be a Welfare Queen.
So, in order to appease those conservatives out there, I will also do like most of them do-- go protest taxes and benefits to the poor.
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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