One of my favorite bloggers, Mathew Yglesias, has been on a bit of a run lately pointing out the recurring conservative talking point that the stimulus package, as well as many of Obama and the Democrats initiatives, are wrong because it will "turn America into Western Europe." This is, of course, is seen as a bad thing by an American populace who have a strong dislike of things like free health care, affordable education, lower rates of poverty, and four weeks of vacation.
Of course, nobody asks people like Mitch McConnell just what the hell he means when says that America will be like "Western Europe" and just what exactly is wrong with that. My guess is that McConnell and everybody else who says things like that will actually not be able to respond and like that guy who accused Obama of being like Neville Chamberlain without actually knowing what Chamberlain did, just keep on saying things like that over and over again using the logic that if you say it enough times, it makes it true.
So why all of this fear-mongering of the possibility that America could wind up being like-- God help us-- Denmark or Germany? Because, as a commentor pointed out, in Americese, Western Europe equals Pussies. And who wants to live in a country of pussies even if that means having a better quality of life?
I would also like to point out that McConnell is from Kentucky. Insert punch line here.
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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