While driving around today, I put on some good ole Right wing radio and heard some guy start going on and on about human infallibility and how nobody is perfect and makes mistakes. Pretty interesting stuff. Then he goes and starts saying that because people are infallible, it makes no sense for the government to have a large say in the affairs of people because people in the government are infallible and if they make a mistake, hundreds and thousands of people could be affected. This is why we need tax cuts, because people's are solidly in control of their lives and not in the hands of some government bureaucrat. The stimulus package, therefore, is bad because it means that infallible people will now run the economy.
Ummm....has he paid attention to the past few months?
Some dipshit at Bank of America comes up with some scheme using subprime mortgages and derivatives and hands off mortgages to a bunch of people who have no right to have a mortgage and he just affected thousands-- millions-- of people. If there was anything proven by the recent problems, it's that government should be more involved not less.
Then there's the point that if we give money to people via less taxes, they'll know what to do with it and all of our problems will be saved. But again, look at the mess we're in now-- people with no money went and spent what money they didn't have to buy things they shouldn't have been able to buy or probably really didn't need to buy. Seriously, people out there buy snuggies, garden gnomes and wind catchers. Basing an entire economic/social policy on allowing giving people more money to buy shamwows maybe isn't the best idea.
And another thing....I'm hearing out there all these statements as to the affect that we can't do this policy or fund this bill or propose this plan because it might upset the financial markets or hurt the banks or what have not. OMG! The Stock Market is going down! Quick, do something that will appease the financial markets! Cut capital gains or somebody's going to get it!
You know what? Fuck 'em. They're responsible for all of this. They've been the one's who jerryrigged our economic system and the people who are responsible for the financial markets are the one's who screwed the pooch. Frankly, they should be happy Americans are too fat and lazy to get off their asses and do something about all of this because in another country and in another time, it would be off with their heads. At this point, if the stimulus bill contained something about how in reward for receiving money that would bail their asses out, they'll have to spend months cleaning porta potties in the worst inner-city communities while wearing their most expensive suits and without the use of gloves, they should just "Sir, yes, sir" and SUCK IT UP.
Maybe Robespierre was onto something?
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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