Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Completely missed it when the issue came out (for some reason), but Miss November in Playboy turns out to be the first Jewish centerfold. Not only that, she's from kind of where I grew up. As your typical, red-blooded Jewish male, I can't understate the amusement I find in all of this.

There's the jokes, of course. Like "what would your mother think" or "oy, what would Nana Fannie say?" Then there's the lucky Jewish guy who gets to date her telling his mom that while the good news is that his girlfriend is a nice Jewish girl, the bad news is that she's a Playboy Playmate. I'm not quite sure what the reaction would be as it's kind of the ultimate Jewish connumdrum.

All I can say too is that her temple's social events are probably that much more popular now. Not to mention the Yeshiva at the college she goes too. Any Singles Jewish mixer would probably be over-run with guys trying to test their luck. After all, she's hot, she's Jewish and wants to raise her kids Jewish. If she was blonde (she's brunette), dating her would be like the Jewish Dating Trifecta.

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