Thursday, June 24, 2004

Here's another note to all those HR types who read this here bloggie- do not say something along the lines of "we'd definately like to bring you in again next week" unless you really mean it. I know- fool me once, shame on you, fool me over and over again, shame on me- but still. Some of us out there still take people on their word. Or at least face value. This is especially true if you also, at the same time, ask for references. If looking for a job is like dating, then asking for refences and saying "we'd definately like to bring you in again" is the equivelant of getting to 2nd or 3rd base on the first date, then getting the "I'm not in a good place right now" speech.

Oh, and one more thing. Trying to gain sympathy for all the interviewing you have to do? In the mighty words of Justin Timberlake, Cry Me a River.

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