Saturday, June 19, 2004

To the guy sitting next to me at the 5:25 showing of "Dodgeball the Movie",

Okay, I can accept your cell phone ringing during the movie once. Mistakes happen. Yeah, I know cell phones have been around long enough that not turning off your cell phone during a movie has become socially unacceptable. Everyone pretty much remembers to do it. And, okay, you might have forgotten that your cell phone was on even after the five-minute long "Turn Your Cell Phone Off" Public Service Announcement that they show before the movie these days (they're usually pretty funny). As I said, mistakes happen and we're all human.

But twice?


Oh, and one more thing- one of the reasons why people don't like cell phones being used during movies is because those new-fangled ones are all glowy and light things up. They're like these big huge fireflys. When you actually open the phone to check who called, then made a long mental note about the possible phone call, and maybe even possibly checked out some text messages, that can be a bit of distraction.

In other words, you, my dear friend, suck ass.

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