Saturday, April 15, 2006

So let's just say something crazy is going on at work and there might be some promoting going on. And let's just say that there's an outside chance I could get promoted. Or somebody else.

And for fear that this is all going to get me in trouble (hi, Samela), I am quite torn. On the one hand, a promotion would be pretty nice in that it definately is a sign of a job well done and of appreciation. And that's always nice to get. It might also mean more money (which is always nice) and the knowledge that I actually did get a promotion at something I did, which has never happened to yours truly. On the other hand, it would mean much more responsibility and having to deal with things I don't want to deal with. Like hiring/firing people. Or laying them off. Or having to write employer evaulations or having to constantly be in the middle of conflicts. I am quite happy doing what I'm doing and quite content. I do not even know if I have the "bandwidth" to take on more responsiblity as my job is quite busy and I have other things to contend with during the day. A friend of mine once told me he had a general rule of quitting every job he had the moment it looked like he was going to take on managerial responsibilities. I thought it was one of the wiser things I had ever heard.

Then again, if there is promoting going on and it's not me, that'll make for one cranky, bitter Jon. Because it's kind of a diss in a way. It's kind of a "you do great work, but X does better work." Which would hurt that much more because I do have seniority in our little group. If I don't get it, it'll be doing the "if I did this, I would have gotten it" or "I shouldn't have done this and should have done that instead" thing. I hate doing that thing.

In other words, either way, it won't be good.

Unless, of course, they don't promote anybody.

Fingers? Crossed.

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