Thursday, January 10, 2002

So, let's see, apparently, the kid who crashed the plane into the BofA building, the one who replaced all of his N'Sync posters with Osama posters, was taking acne medicine. The medicine in particular, Acutin, is under investigation by the FDA for supposedly causing depression in teenagers. A whopping 147 kids who used acutin tried to kill themselves, with varying degrees of success over the past ten years. Which breakds down to a little over eight kids a year. Somehow, this is being bandied about as the reason why the kid hijacked the plane and crashed it into a building.

Which does make a lot of sense, if you think about it. It just has to be Acutin because, as we all know, acne riddled teens are never depressed. In fact, usually acne-riddled teens are happy and well acclimated in high school, aren't self-conscious at all, and get all the girls. Maybe they should check other things too to see if there's anything else in common. Like I betcha they all ate m&m's. Or watched MTV. I bet you they all watched basketball at one point in their lives.

You know, this changes my whole perspective on things. I never took Acutin as I never had acne problems, but I did constantly get allergy shots. Maybe that's why I was depressed all the time in high school? Maybe it wasn't the parents divorce, the fact that the only time a girl talked to me was to make fun of me, or because everyone in my high school thought Phil Collins was a musical genius. Maybe I should sue the makers of my allergy medicine for all the emotional trauma I had because I didn't get a date to the Senior Prom.

Can you say Twinkie Defense?

Speaking of twinkies, CNN had a story about the whole India/Pakistan tiff and how all of this is being fought over a place most Americans had never heard of. What? Everyone's heard of "Kashmir." As Jon Stewart said on the "Daily Show" last night, it's the song we all heard the first time we tried to make a bong out of a 7-up can. And we've all seen "Fastimes At Ridgemont High." We may now know what the hell the conflict, but we do know it's the ultimate song to make out too.

And yo, check this out. It's an entire page dedicated to Tolkien references in Zeppelin songs:

Which reminds me, that now that I'm just beginning "Return of the Kings," a lot of Zeppelin songs are making a whole lot more sense. I have to admit, though, that what hobbits have to do with lemons squeezing down people's legs is beyond me.

Wait, I'm rambling again. Must be the Acutin.

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