Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I sent an email to that place I've interviewed twice at asking where they are in the process as supposedly they'd let me know be now. Below is the email I got in response. So, for the fun of it, and because this is how my brain works, let's break this sucker down on a semiotics/neurotic level.

Thanks for your note.

Okay, their being polite, that's good, right? Or does it just mean their being polite?

We are in the process of getting resumes from internal candidates and should start interviewing soon. I will keep you posted!

On the one hand, they're still interviewing people which is a bad sign because if they wanted to hire me, they wouldn't be collecting more resumes for people to interview. That's not a good sign. On the other hand, they haven't hired anybody yet so I'm still in the running. If they didn't really like me, they might have said something about "hiring people internally" or some such nonsense to tell me to forget about it.

Also, she mentioned earlier that they wanted to interview people internally and since they brought me back for the 2nd interview so quickly (based on a thank you note I sent in) maybe it just means that they like me enough to bring me in faster than they planned and they're still going through the process? Or maybe they have to interview internal people because it's company policy and it's just like a box they have to check? That's good.

But on the other hand, companies like to hire people internally. Or maybe they really liked me before but not enough to interview people? She also said they were trying to hire somebody fast and if they're collecting resumes, that means they're not going to hire somebody really fast and they didn't like me enough to hire me. That's bad.

But, she did use an exclamation point at the end so, once again, she's being really polite so it's not like she doesn't like me.

Or maybe it is what it is and I should just calm the fuck down. And not drink so much coffee.

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