Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yay, it's job stuff!

-I got a call from a recruiter about one job with a big company that I interviewed with way back when, a place that caused all sorts of problems (I think I mentioned this earlier, no?). Anyways, instead of just sending my resume over, the agency asked me to come down to their office and sign a few papers and meet with them. Then they wanted to check my reference meaning nothing happened for a few days as they and my old boss played phone tag. After that, they wanted me to do what basically was a cover letter that they could also send to the company. All of which meant that it took them about a week after contacting me to send over my resume. Not so surprisingly, they never heard back from the company and no interview for me. Now, part of me makes me wonder if I would have gotten a foot in the door if the company DIDN'T FUCKING DAWDLE IN SENDING OVER MY RESUME.


-I also got a call from another agency saying that lo and behold, the place that had recently let me go was looking for the same sort of position I did. Something happened over there and they needed somebody to help them out for awhile (I found out from a little birdie there that somebody just up and left due to a family emergency). The recruiter saw my resume, thought I'd be a good fit, and called me. I, of course, was a little stunned (especially after I had told everybody to give me a call if they need me) and told the guy what happened. Both of us felt that since I was let go because the project I was working on got cut, that it would make pretty darn good sense to bring me back on board, me knowing the job and all.

Naturally, the place said they didn't want to bring me back. So, instead of bringing on board somebody who they liked and did a good job (I had weekly one-on-one's and never heard a discouraging word) and who also knows how the place works, they decided they'd rather go ahead, bring in a few people to interview, and then spend a month or two to train them.

Which means
1) They still think that I can only do the project they hired me for and still think I'm overqualified to do anything else and so would be bored and unfulfilled. If so, gosh, once again thanks for thinking of me.
2)There was a little more going on both when I left and while I was gone than I knew. Which makes me a little paranoid.
3)They're really stupid.

Any of these three could possibly be the reasons why. From what I've heard, they actually are pretty stupid.

Oh, there's one little thing I can also think of. See, there was about 11 people who worked in the department I worked in. I was the only guy. While it's not true of everybody who worked there, the vibe of the department was definitely married suburban moms who love cats a little too much. And Disney. I, on the other hand, am a sports-loving, ex-Mission dwelling, snark infested, Y chromosome carrier. Every once in awhile I think that I got let go primarily because if one were to do a "one of these things is not like the other," I'd definitely be "the one"

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