Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Dear Teresa Heniz Kerry- We love ya. We really do. You gave an interview with Christopher Mathews on MSNBC and it turned into one of the most interesting political discussions we've ever seen on TV. And, we love the fact that you look like the type of person who likes nothing better than to come home after a hard day of whatever you spend a hard day of doing and drink a (really, really expensive) glass of wine or three. We got a feeling you like to get loopy, if you know what I mean and I think you do, and we love "opiniated" women who like to get loopy. But we got this really, really bad feeling you're about to get chewed up and spit out alive. Luckily, you're probably strong enough to handle most of it, but it's gonna come fast and it's gonna come hard (ummm, maybe I should rephrase that). After your speech, the guys At Fox almost pulled muscles competing with each other one who could say the most negative thing possible.

Good luck. You'll need it.

PS- Afterwards, on all the Pundit type shows, I couldn't but help notice that whenever one of the male-type pundits would say something bad about her "opinionated" line, the token female-like pundit would jump all over their ass. The Double-Token lady on Fox (Double-Token because she's both the token woman and the token woman) was almost so pissed off by what she was hearing she could barely speak. Have a feeling she's probably downing some vino with Teresa right now.

PPS- During somebody's speech, the camera was panning around for crowd reaction shots and lo and behold, in the back of one of the shots, was Frank Costanza. Well, Jerry Stiller, but he'll always be Frank Costanza to the rest of us. Would the Republicans have Frank Costanza at their Convention?

PPPS- We got a fever right now, Obama Fever!

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