There's this whacky story in the paper today about some Republican Headquarters in Kentucky displaying bumper stickers that have as it's slogan `Kerry is bin Laden's Man. Bush is Mine.'' Obviously a little bit over the top and not very uniter, not a divider. For some reason, I was kind of intrigued about how they'd handle this over at the ole "Fair and Balanced" news station, Fox News. Why you may ask? Because whenever a Democrat even looks at Bush funny, all the yap dogs over at Fox, especially Sean Hannity goes into full hyperventilation mode, blasting the Dems for the usual sins of being hateful, sodomizing, Bin Laden loving, Frenchies. With the tables finally turned, I wanted to see if they'd deal with it. Hell, I wanted to see if Allan Colmes would even be allowed to bring it up.
They didn't and he wasn't.
Of course, it is a rather funky news day today, what with the whole Sandy Berger Stealing State Secrets thing. Yeah, Fox is all over it, but it is kind of serious and it does look kind of bad right now. Not to mention kind of funny when you think about it. I can just see Sandy Berger there, sitting at some table, looking nervously around to make sure nobody's watching and when he feels confident nobody is, makes that fake coughing sound as he scrunches up some papers. When that's done, he then fake drops his pencil so he can then stuff it down his socks. To discuss the story, they brough int Anne Coulter to discuss the Berger affair so we could have her usual insightful, enlightened, and sane commentary. They also did a bit about Linda Rondstad getting kicked out of Vegas for praising Michael Moore. Because that's hateful, not at all like the Kerry/Bin Laden bumper sticker.
Why oh why do I watch "Hannity and Comes"? Why do it do it to myself? The show gets my blood pressure rising like nothing else. I think I finally figured it out.
One of these days, Colmes is going to snap. Hannity will finally break the proverbial last straw and Colmes is going to go postal. He can do it too. He's the type. You know, small, meek and quiet-like. He's definitely the type of person who his neighbors will later say "he was a nice quiet guy." Those types are always the one who snaps.
So that's why I watch the show. Because one day I'm going to flip on it and see Colmes standing over a cowering Sean Hannity, looking a little bit like the famous shot of Cassius Clay standing over Sonny Liston, screaming "say my name, bitch say my name!" and I want to see it.
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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