From this week's San Francisco Bay Guardian":
An article on the new movie "The Hunting of the President" about the vast right wing conspiracy that actually did exist starts off thusly-
"I'm not sure I completely understood what that loony Chilean filmmaker Raul Ruiz said to me way back in the spring of 1997:
"The paradigm of many stories exist[s] by conceit. Sometimes concrete stories hide abstract events, abstract situations – like the construction of roots by Charlemagne. It is called – in a literal translation – a 'galley net.' A system of roots, built by Charlemagne and his men, become a woman.... Let's say Clinton tried to build a system to go to a different planet. This system will become the Clinton mistress, in the future. So this is a variation on what could be called the immortal story paradigm."
Jovial, semiopaque, the description can't help but apply to every appearance of Clinton I've seen since then"
Say what?
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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