Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Got a voice message from one of my recruiters about a possible job that he needed to fill very quickly. In the message he also said that it won't be in the "Bay Area." So I'm thinking, what San Jose? Campbell? Antioch? At this point, sure, why not?

Turns out by "not in the Bay Area" he didn't mean Los Gatos, he meant Austin Texas. Yes, a recruiter from here called me about a job he's looking to fill in Austin Texas.

Now why would he think I'd be interested in a job in Austin? He's either really, really desperate or thinks that I'm really, really desperate. Which I am, but that's a whole other thing. So I added up the pluses and minuses of moving there to try and see whether it's worth or not

-It's a job and they must be so desperate for a job they'd hire even me
-They must be really desperate for a job
-Austin is supposed to be a really nice
-It's only for six months.

And the negatives?
-It's a bit of a commute
-IT'S IN FUCKING TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously, I'm not going to even think about it. Unless the recruiter offers to fly me down there myself in which case I'll go but only because, hello "free trip!"

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