Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I'm unemployed. Again.

Due to a technicality in the Unemployment rules I might not be eligible for unemployment. And, if I am, I won't get my first check for another two weeks.

I'm broker than Britney Spear's public declarations of waiting til she's married

Today I accidentally put bleach into my colored wash and half my wardrobe is ruined

My printer is broken and tech support couldn't figure out what's wrong

I've been considering applying for a job at the Buffalo Wing place down the street from me

Making dinner I accidentally broke the only wineglass I hadn't broken yet

If I only had a truck and a dog, I'd be a country song. If I was a movie, I'd be "Gigli." If things get anymore down I'd be in China.

Haven't had a dream in a long time…

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