Saturday, August 09, 2003

In Smirkboy's comments about Arnie running for Governor, the President joked that he wasn't planning on arm wrestling with the Terminator. This got me thinking- there might be more to that than just the comment's of the Doofus in Chief. No, what he may have stumbled upon is the Great Political Theory of Our Time: every major election can be determined by who appears to be able to beat who in an arm wrestling contest.

Think about it.

Gore might have been able to take W., but from all appearances W. would beat Gore. W, of course, won.

Clinton, obviously, beats Dole in an arm wrestling match (although if they ever got in a fight, I got my money on Dole). While Bush Sr. probably could have physically beaten Bill in an arm-wrestling contest, Bill came off as winning anyways because he either would have studied every theory on arm-wrestling to outsmart Bush Sr. or, failing that, charmed the pants off every judge in order to cheat.

Dukakis, for all we know, might have been able to beat Bush in an arm wrestling contest, but that picture of him in the tank ruined any chance of anyone thinking it.

And yeah, Ronnie kicks both Mondale's butt and Carter's too. And Carter looked like he could beat Ford, which he probably couldn't have, only because Ford had that problem where he kept on tripping over things.

Nixon vs. McGovern and Humphrey? McGovern and Humphrey probably would have taken Nixon down if it weren't for the fact that Nixon looked like he would have won simply because Nixon looked like the kind of guy who'd sell his children to win. Johnson vs. Goldwater? Johnson was once photographed showing off his appendicitis scars to the press- 'nough said. Same with Kennedy vs. Nixon, a fight in which Nixon actually probably would have won due to Kennedy's health issues, but, come on, just look at JFK- he'd win without breaking a sweat, give an incredible victory speech, then nail half the women who were watching the contest.

Eisenhower vs. Stevenson (twice)? Eisenhower won WWII, that's so not fair. And since Dewey was once described as the groom on a wedding cake, Truman, who came off like he actually could go a few rounds, wins that one easily.

Of course, the obvious flaw in the theory arises with FDR who was in a wheel chair and crippled with polio. Of course, nobody knew he was in a wheel chair so that doesn't count.. And just the fact that the guy did all of what he did while in a wheel chair, going to the point of suffering through huge amounts of pain just to show that he wasn't in a wheel chair, proves that deep down, he could have kicked anyone's ass all over the place.

All of which is a long winded way of saying that Arnie is a shoo-in to be our next Governor. Not to mention that Joe "Shecky" Lieberman has no chance in hell and why Howard Dean, with that look on his face that constantly suggests he's about to shove something down somebody's throat, is making every Democrat fall in love with him.

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