Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Oh my God. So there's like this Online Dating Service. They sent me a spam-mail the other day saying that they have already found me three women who are perfect for me. I even got photos and names of them too!

This is so amazing cause, you know, it's not like I signed up with them. Or that they'd have any idea what I'm like. But still, they somehow figured out what I'm like and found me my dream dates! I know.

And the amazing thing is they already have a profile all set for me too! With all sorts of information about me that's true and makes me really, really wonder how they got all the information (not to mention if these poor girls know they're part of some stupid spam-mail-that is, of course, if they are real girls- cause the last thing I'd want to happen if I signed up for an online dating service is have my desperate singleness used as fish-food for other desperate singles).

Man, it's kind of scary the kind of things people can find out about you on the Web these days.

Do you think it has anything to do with the new John Poindexter, "we're gonna hire a convicted felon to spy on you and help make the world save for democracy thing?" You know, like it's just fringe benefit, a way of harshening the obvious Big Brotherness of it all? You know, don't worry, cause when we read all about you on the Web, we'll be able to save you from terrorism AND set-up you up on a date.

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