Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Hey, so according to some online quiz, if I were a New York Times columnist, I'd be Maureen Dowd:

Maureen Dowd
You are Maureen Dowd! You like to give people silly
nicknames and write in really short, non
sequitur paragraphs. You're the most playful of
the columnists and a rock-ribbed liberal, but
are often accused of being too flamboyant and
frivolous. You tend to focus on style over
substance, personality over politics. But your
heart is in the right place. Plus, you are a
total fox.


Now, if only I could find an online quiz that determines what member of the McLaughlin Group I'd be.

(and that's a joke that'll be funny to maybe one of you out there. Then again, only one of you is actually reading this these days, so I hope you get a kick out of it).

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