Saturday, April 24, 2004

Met up with some people at a local restaurant tonight and saw a guy wearing a 70's styled "Kiss Me I'm Irish" t-shirt and a John Deer trucker hat (worn sideways, of course). All I could think of was, "dude, you are soooo ironic." Man, I wish I could be that cool.

Wish brings me to this awesome little blurb I read on Wonkette, the tres hip political/gossip site about the appearance of Bush/Cheney '04 trucker hats being sold on the Bush/Cheney Web site:

"But what happens when the people who are wearing it ironically run into the people who are wearing it earnestly? Does it tear a hole in the parody-sincerity conitnuum? Will Ashton Kutcher suddenly not have been born?

Please, think of the children."

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