Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Because Blogging is supposed to be the wave of the future in news reporting and render old media completely useless (like the Web was supposed to have done), I'm gonna do my best to join in on the revolution.

In that vein of helping start the revolution, here's two articles I read today while not doing something important like looking for work for work that I'm gonna pass along

Maureen Dowd's column in the NY Times today is about how Bush's handlers are getting cocky again and once again trying to let it be known to reporters just how intellectually with it Smirkboy really is. Apparently, besides staying up til bedtime discussing Cicero, Tocqueville, Adam Smith (among others) with his staff, Condi Rice recently told reporters that she had just given Smirkboy Doestevsky's Crime and Punishment to read. No comment on whether or not he read it. Or was upset to find that it wasn't an engaging read discussing all the great and fun ways of executing people.

Again, when your handlers have to bend over backwards to try and make people believe someone's not an idiot, you're probably dealing with an idiot.

From 'Cats' to Cicero

And from Slate, here's an article in an Australian paper discussing how Bush's recent foreign policy fuck-ups (and they have been fucking up a lot lately) are making our already scared shitless allies that much more scared shitless. None of this, of course, is being discussed in great detail in the U.S. Press, who have been far too busy detailing the abduction of some little white girl in Utah or breathlessly repeating the latest terrorist warning just pulled out the Administration's ass to actually say anything. Remember too how foreign policy was supposed to be W.'s strength because of the all-star team of over the hill retreads he had brought into his cabinet.

Axis of Error Has America's Friends Bushed

To paraphrase Darrel (SNL) Hammond on Howard Stern this morning, you know your in trouble when Tony Blair constantly calls up and says "hi George, is Dick there?"

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