Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Yeah I'm Temping,
Temping again

More data entry and my mad typing skills. It's where I worked before and didn't mind working at, so I'm kind of okay with going back there. It's the place that does data processing for medicare cases, the one with all the young chippies- all naïve and innocent as they start there way up the career ladder, never considering the possibility that their life might somehow take a strange turn somewhere and they'll wind up thirty-four and temping. And the place with the blonde with the way too tight shirts and really big…

Oh wait, back on subject.

As far as temp jobs go, it's not a bad place to work as it's got all the important things to help pass the temp job away:

1) It's easy and brainless. Maybe too easy and brainless.
2) Lots of free coffee and tea
3) Available phone and computer to check messages
4) Scenery
5) And most importantly, a boss who either doesn't care or doesn't know that I occasionally take more than a half hour lunch, more and longer breaks than I'm supposed to, leave early and come in late, and spend enough time on the computer to read ESPN.com section through section. Not to mention the NY Times.

I'm also kind of glad I'll be temping so when I quit in a month, I'll go back to being really, really happy I'm not working. Sometimes, it's easy to take not doing anything all day for granted. And right now I'm basing my day around a TV show (Pardon the Interruption) and it's never a good sign when you base your entire day around a TV show. Nights, however.

On the other hand, it does mean I'll have to do the always fun Walk of Shame back into the place. Nothing like the love of life you feel when going back to a job that you had already left, vowing silently never to return, and leaving them with the vague "oh, I'm working on a few things" (which was true), only to be walking through those doors four months later.

Woo to the fucking hoo?

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