Sunday, July 28, 2002

Yet another lazy Sunday and yet another afternoon movie. Once again, it's trailer after trailer after trailer for something like half an hour, each for some movie you can tell within ten or fifteen seconds that they're gonna suck-ass (oh look, it's another action buddy movie starring a white guy as the uptight white authority figure guy and a black comic-relief side-kick,). And then I saw it- a quick shot of a barren landscape, a female voice sets the scene, and a few quick shoots of sweaty men drawing swords. And then these words: "the two towers have formed an alliance." My jaw drops and my eyes glaze over, it's the trailer for The Two Towers. It looks fucking awesome. Lots of battle scenes. Lots. All that and Gollum too.

Oh man, I can't wait.

As for Austin Powers Goldemember, eh. A little too much too much. Let's just say the best part of the whole movie was the Two Towers trailer. Did I mention it looked like it's gonna rock?

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