Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Actual conversation from this previous weekend:

Me: So what did you do last night?

Women Friend: Sat around with my roommates watching a bunch of old 80's flicks. You know, "Sixteen Candles," "Say Anything." Mmm….John Cusack holding that radio up and playing that song. I love that scene.

Me: Oh, come on, admit it. If some guy did the same thing to you and held up a boom box and played it by your window for a couple of hours, you'd think it was really cute and sweet but, you'd never go out with him because, besides being a little creepy, you'd think the guy's way too nice.

Woman Friend: Yeah, you're right. I'd probably go after somebody who'd be more of a challenge

Me: Yes! Finally got someone to admit it…..

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