I have an interview tomorrow with some company for a type of job I used to do, but haven't done in over, oh five or six years. And it's not that easy of a thing to do- it's doing graphics and image manipulation and stuff like that, which I used to do, but stopped doing because I didn't like it. And I sucked at it.
Actually, that's not true. I liked doing it, I just sucked at large parts of it. I mean really sucked.
Somehow, they found my resume online, which specifically points out the fact that I used to do it but haven't done it in a long time, and called me for a contract position. Now, how they chose my resume is beyond me. How they weren't smart enough to simply pick up the phone and call a Graphics Temp Agency when there's literally thousands of people in this area who can do the same kind of stuff but have actually been doing it over the past five years is beyond me. And why they still want to see me after I specifically mentioned it's not something I've done in years and that it's not what my resume emphasizes is even beyond me too. It's hard to sound enthusiastic and like a real go-getter about a job when the whole time you're on the phone with them you're thinking "why the hell did you call me?"
And strangely, I'm going to go in for the interview. If it's not too difficult, I can do it. Trying to relearn a skill-set that you weren't that good at anyways and haven't done in years is like getting back on a bike again, right?
What can I say, I need the money. But still, why the hell did they call me?
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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