Tuesday, May 14, 2002

So a little job interviewing advice from the friendly folks here at Hooray For Anything- if you have a big interview, one that you've been preparing for in a way for a couple of days, do whatever it takes to make sure you sleep that night. Whether it by drinking a bottle of wine, taking sleeping pills, or hitting yourself over the head repeatedly, just make sure you get some sleep. Interviewing on three hours of sleep the night before is not a good thing. It's bad. Bad. Very bad.

Yeah sure, after two cups of coffee you might be awake and plucky enough to do it, but it's the second hour where things get tricky. You might find yourself like Ultraman after being out in the sun a little too long, little red-light on his chest blinking away, knowing that you have to get out of their soon or it could be a disaster but feeling your power quickly ebb away. And yeah, you might be able to handle that nasty split-finger curve that's thrown your way just as you think it's over (sneakily snuck in at the end, in one of those "oh, by the way" type manners as your almost out the door), but how many can you foul off before striking out?

Not that any of this happened to me, I'm just saying......

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