Sunday, May 05, 2002

So much to write, but this'll tide you over for a bit-

Things I learned while playing two games of softball this weekend:

1)It really, really sucks playing a team that's so good their women even know how to hit. Played right-center and the other team basically hit it wherever I wasn't. Shaded to the center, it went to the gap in right. Shaded to the gap in right, hit it straight to the center. Played deep because they got some boppers, so they kept on dinking it in front of me. Then, I think I'm on to them and creep up, so they bopped it over my head.

2)It's really hard to catch a fly ball that's dead straight in the sun and you know somewhere right in line with the ball is the completely oblivious left-fielder from the other game, not realizing that me and the left-center fielder are on a direct collision course with him.

3)That playing softball games on back to back days isn’t necessarily a good thing because I didn't realize just how soar I was until I had to go bat.

4)It's especially not good when one league features pitches that don't have much of an arch to it while the other one does. Spent most of Sunday's game standing at the plate, to frazzled by the change and swinging at every pitch no matter where it was.

5)Playing deep left-centerfield can be really difficult when somebody launches a towering rocket about twenty feet from where I'm standing and my timing is not so great judging fly balls yet.

6)If a ball is considered a home-run if it automatically hits a tree, do not assume that the fly ball will hit the tree. Sometimes they will find the only gap in the branches and go through it, thus causing a big huge problem when the ball goes flying over my head because I thought it was about to hit the tree. I hate chasing balls.

7)And most importantly, even if you get your butt kicked two games in a row, even if you drop two fly balls and have several go over your head, even if you go 1-4 in a game and make the last out in an inning when the bases are loaded with a dribbler to the shortstop, and even if you got home at 2 the night before and had to get up early for the second game, it's still a lot of fun

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