Sunday, February 02, 2003

As I was flipping through the channels the other night, I saw highlights of the big Diane Sawyer interview with Jason Priestley. Jason, of course, has just recovered from his near-death racing accident.

Apparently, one of the highlights is an interview with Luke Perry. Luke emotionally talks about visiting Jason in the hospital. He tells Diane a story about how when Jason was in a coma, he was told that Jason might be able to come out of unconsciousness if he was to hear friendly voices trying to reach out to him. And so Luke, who is almost on the verge of tears as he tells Diane this, hopped on top of the bed and started screaming at Jason to wake up. And as Luke screamed Jason's name, Jason did indeed wake up.

And as Luke tears up, so do I. I can see it in my head- we all can. We all know how it went down. Jim and Cindy are distraught in the emergency room, Brenda is sulking, worrying about how it affects her and being comforted by Kelly. Steve's doing something stupid because he doesn't know what else to do. And here comes Dylan to save the day, the only one who can save the day. Because Brandon's been there so many times for Dylan and Dylan's just returning the favor. Because they're bro's- Brando and Dylan. Because they'll always be there for each other, even when Kelly gets in between them. Who helped Dylan during all of his drug/alcohol binges? And who helped nurse Dylan back to health after he got into a car crash? And there's Dylan, with the cheesy guitar in the background, returning the favor, doing what he knows Brandon would do for him.

Oh wait, we're talking about the real people here, not the characters they play. Oh, who cares. Why can't I live in a world in which all of the BH 9'er gang exists in some alternative universe and that it's not the totally, completely lame post-Brandon version. And not just going on, but Brenda's back from Europe and Val's there too. So are Jim and Cindy and even Andrea. And there's no Noah or any all the other lame-o characters they introduced towards the end.

Ahh, good times, good times…..

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