When you're unemployed, you spend most of your time waiting. Waiting for a decent job posting, waiting for someone to respond your resume, waiting for someone to call you back, waiting for things to come in the mail. Waiting, waiting, waiting. When you start entering the really desperate mode, you find yourself afraid to leave the house lest you miss that one phone call that could change everything. Or you feel like you have to check your e-mail every half an hour to see if there's something there. Or check the job board every fifteen minutes so you can get a head start on sending out a resume before the hoardes of other unemployed people can beat you to it.
But it never really matters. Most of the time, there's nothing in your e-mail box. There's no job posting. And the person whose supposed to call you back never calls you back. All it does is make you feel more desperate, more anxious, more praying that the one phone call or that one e-mail finally comes.
There are so many people you're at the mercy of when you're unemployed. The person who promised you some contractual work. Or the friend of a friend who works at a company that's hiring. Or the person at a Temp Agency. Or the people who reads through the piles and piles of resumes. Not to mention the people you interviewed with. And there's nothing you can really do but wait and hope that they actually come through for you. And rarely do they actually do.
That's the part I hate the most about being unemployed (well, besides the whole not working and running out of money thing) but how you have to spend most of your time bent over, taking it again and again. And all you can do is turn around and smile and say "thank you, can I have another."
"My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn"
Get Me a Bucket
15 years ago
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