Monday, February 18, 2002

Word on the streets has it that Flora (Real World Miami), Veronica (RR the stupid season on the boat), Jisela (the RR & RW pass it along girl) and Beth S (Osama Beth Laden from RW LA) are posing in Playboy.

Dear God. Don't they have any shame. Any sense of dignity. Any self-respect?


Just have to say too the RW/RR challenge is better than crack. It's like pure-grade heroin straight from the poppy. Tonight's ep was some good shit. Seeing Chadwick get sent packing was beautiful. Now somebody's gotta take down his "at least we have Him" wife.

Speaking of which, the headline in the Chron today was "Bush pushes Japan on Economy- On Tokyo Visit, he calls for faster, tougher action." What a cocky son-of-a-bitch. He kicks the butt out of some tin-plated dictatorship straight out of the Middle Ages using a bunch of proxys to fight for him and a bunch of pilotless drones, so now he feels like going around telling other countries how to fix their economy. Like he's some kind of expert now. Like he can just waltz into any old country and say "hey, just do this and do that and you'll be able to go around driving big SUV's and getting cinnamon sticks delivered to your door with an order of Pizza Hut pizza just like us." Hey, buddy, what about our economy? Anyone actually pay attention to his budget proposals? Let's see:

Increased defense spending + huge tax cuts for the rich + cuts in social spending x baby boomer generation about to retirement age in the next ten years = oh shit.

Don't know when, don't know how, but Smirkboy is so going down. Or as the Greek's would say- Hubris is a bitch.

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