Monday, October 14, 2002

Warning, this blog entry contains nothing but baseball. I did have a lot of stuff to post today, but ……motherfucking Giants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The usual angst and snarkiness will return tomorrow at it's regularly scheduled time.

Just as Lofton hit it into left, the first thought that went through my head is game over, we're going to the series. Second thought that went through my head, just as David Bell went into a slide, was how I could have gotten tickets to tonight's game but couldn't go. Motherfucker.

As Bell slides into home, I can hear cheering erupt from outside. And this is in the Mission- probably the most densely populated area of too-cool-hipsters this side of, well, anywhere. I mean, the only thing that could probably get cheering in the Mission would be if some obscure DJ randomly showed up at one of the bars. But there's cheering. And screaming. And cars are honking all over the place and I can hear people screaming "Giants!!!!" The second I can hear the fireworks go off on TV, I can hear them booming from outside. A friend calls within seconds to congratulate me. Wowzers.

I wonder what the tax-payers of the United States of America would think if they found out I spent my Unemployment money on buying World Series tix from scalpers? I have never been to a World Series game, ever. I WILL go to a World Series game if I have to blow what's left of my savings to do it. I have to. I owe it to all the people who live in Chicago to go to a World Series game.

You know, in all of my long life, no team that I have lived and died for- bled for- ever made it this far. I mean, I'm a Browns fan for Crissakes. I'm used to huge, crushing, stomache churning, misery inducing defeats. Yes, I was a big Giants fan back in '89, but not like this. For one thing, I didn't live in S.F. so I wasn't able to watch them day in and day out. And I hadn't quite been bonded with them by Heartbreak just yet (because that's what bonds you to a sports team more than wins, it's the broken heart). The 1993- 103 wins and no pennant- season, did that. And I was also college and too inebriated to care.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.

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