Monday, November 25, 2002

Okay, so this whole looking for nude pictures of a certain underage female Wizard in training is getting a bit too much. Two words- jail and bait. And, hello, can you say kiddy porn? If I could, I'd report y'all to the authorities.

Yeah, she's a cool character. And the actress that plays her makes the character much more entertaining than that in the book (I saw her as kind of a big, loud know-it-all in the book, whereas the actress gives her a bit attitude- like a cross between Willow and Spike), but THE ACTRESS IS ONLY 12 YEARS OLD! I've got t-shirts older than her. Then again, maybe it's only 12 year olds searching for photos of her, which is better, I guess, but I'm telling your parents.

As for those people searching for "fake photos" of the underage female wizard, at least you're acknowlding the fact that looking for photos of a 12 year old is kind of on the sick side. I wonder, too, if somewhere out there in the great Wide Web, there's pictures of say the actress' head super-imposed on Pamela Anderson's body. Which is still sick, but doesn't have quite the repressed Catholic Priest vibe to it. Or maybe, somewhere out there, there's just pictures of any ole Playboy Playmate all decked out in Gryffindor colors. And God only knows what would happen if a certain skanky pop-star happened to dress up like the Wizard to be.

Hmm...Playboy's Girls of Hogwarts?

Come to think of it, if you're a hot chick and want to be famous, drop me a line. I got an idea that'll make us rich.....

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