Tuesday, April 16, 2002

And now, back to our reguraly scheduled broadcast....

Figured out why Hotmail's been so screwy lately. They've added some redesigns which throw more screens at you before you actually get to the screen you want. And guess what? None of those actual screen's are for Hotmail, but for MSN stuff. I wonder if you're allowed an option that gets rid of all the MSN stuff. Like the "I don't give a flying fuck about the MSN Network, so please don't fucking bother me with any of it" button.


At least they haven't sold all of their users names to marketers like Yahoo! did. Oh wait, they've done that already too.

Anyways, just wanted to pass this along. How do you know things are going bad? When you get a cheer up little buckeroo message from a temp agency:

"It has been slower than we have all hoped for. I know you have great
experience, so I would love to get you into a job that can utilize that.
Please continue to check in with me and I will call you with a great job."

Oh yeah, found this funny quote in the paper today regarding a trailer for the new Ben Afleck/Morgan Freeman movie (!).

"In a stroke of offbeat casting, Morgan Freeman plays the kindly older mentor. "


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