Monday, April 08, 2002

One more thing about the ball game on sunday- during the 7th inning stretch they played "God Bless America." I had thought we'd be through with stuff like that, but I guess not. Yeah, yeah, I know, it was a horrible tragedy and we're still kind of at war, but is this gonna be a new tradition? Are we gonna have Moment's of Silence of patriotic songs for everything for the rest of our lives?

Here's my theory about all this, the patriotic songs at games, the flags on the uniforms, the flags on everyone's lapels- that right now everyone is wishing it would end, but nobody has the balls to do it. Like, say, the Giants probably don't want to do it anymore, but feel that they have to because they don't want to look bad and they don't want to be the first team to drop "God Bless America." This would make them unpatriotic and nobody wants to do that right now. Same thing with Leno and Letterman, both of whom are wearing the flag on their lapels. Everyone's just sitting around waiting for somebody else to be the first one to drop the patriotic mumbo-jumbo, but noone has the balls to do it.

So now we're gonna be stuck singing "God Bless America" during the 7th Inning Stretch right before "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" for yet another season.

That was actually one of the cool things about going to New York, hearing from people there that they're pretty fucking sick of it too. You could almost hear the city collectively roll their eyes during the Oscar telecast when they during their Moment of Silence.

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