Thursday, November 06, 2003

This is why I don't like the "Progressives" in San Francisco. This is why I vote not out of who or what I think best but what'll piss these people off the most.

From a SF Political blog:

"Dozens of Gonzonistas sported buttons declaring “Gavin Newsom is a pussy,” and congratulated each other in a South of Market art gallery cum gin joint last night, knocking back cocktails and savoring their stick-it-to-the-man moment under ersatz Newsom posters that had been altered to declare “NoScum.”

The display portends much uglier business. In the months leading up to last night's election, Newsom's opponents increasingly relied on dirty tricks, vandalizing Newsom campaign signs all over town, filing fraudulent complaints with the San Francisco Department of Public Health against his restaurants and even making death threats."


Here's another one of those dirty little secrets about SF. The so-called "Progressives" are just as sanctimonous, just as self-righteous, just as full of themselves as the Far Right. But, of course, if you accused them of it, they'd give you a long tirade about how open-minded and tolerant they are.

Just as the Replubicans drive me up a wall because of their ends-justifying-the-means philosphy- what with trying impeaching a President, the redistricting in Texas, the 2000 election and numerous other devious little tricks- the Progressives do it too. They're just not as good as the Replublicans are. They just like to throw temper tantrums instead.

Want more? From a story in Salon about the campaign and why the writer (Joan Walsh) was sympathetic to Newsom:

"... I hated the campaign against Care Not Cash, which was really a campaign against Newsom, in which nasty lefty know-it-alls hit him with pies, threw stink bombs into the restaurants he owned, papered the town with fliers printing his home phone number and demonized him mostly because they could. It was a thuggish kind of politics that disgusts me, and I blamed its practitioners for marginalizing someone who isn't a villain, who doesn't have horns, who had been a champion of drug treatment and a smart mind and decent vote on human service issues, whose crime it was to see the problems of poverty and social services differently from the advocacy community."

What I'm trying to say is this- just because you're an asshole on the Left and not an asshole on the Right doesn't mean you're still not an asshole.

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